Progressing towards tuberculosis elimination: An ounce or a pound of prevention?

Media 19 Oct 2023

Dr. Jonathon Campbell
Assistant Professor. Departments of Medicine & Global and Public Health
McGill University & McGill International TB Centre
Thursday 20th July 2023

Speaker: Jonathon Campbell is an assistant professor at McGill University. He is also a me1mber of the McGill International TB Centre-a WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis. His research centres on generating evidence to inform the design and implementation of novel tuberculosis prevention and care strategies that maximize public health impact, while minimizing health system and patient costs.  The majority of his research centres on optimizing the identification and treatment of tuberculosis infection to prevent progression to tuberculosis disease. While most of his work is conducted in Canada, he provides technical expertise on economic evaluation within operational and i1mpllementation research projects supported by TDR globally.

Topic: An overview of research evaluating the risks and benefits associated with providing (or not) tuberculosis preventive treatment, adherence and completion of different tuberculosis preventive tr preventive treatment, adherence and completion of different tuberculosis preventive treatment regimens, and the potential impact of scaling up tuberculosis preventive treatment in different epidemiological settings.