The Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium has been awarded £1.6 million from the Medical Research Council

News article 19 Aug 2022

The Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium (TIDC) has been awarded £1.6 million from the Medical Research Council (MRC) via the Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), previously Confidence in Concept (CiC). The TIDC is a strategic partnership between Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the University of Oxford and has been expanded for this call to include the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the Pirbright Institute.

The award will allow the Consortium to support pump-priming projects, typically in the range of £50K, with the overreaching ambition to accelerate the transition from discovery science into therapeutic, diagnostic and vaccine development.

Professor Giancarlo Biagini is Head of LSTM’s Department of Tropical Disease Biology and Co-I within the Consortium. He said: “We are delighted to be able to widen the partnership within the TIDC, which was established in 2013 and has been successful in every round of this call to date. Since 2013 we have received more than £4 million in funding, have been able to leverage in the region of £60 million, supported 100 projects and facilitated 136 industry interactions. This latest award represents more investment in ideas that can increase tangible outputs that demonstrate impact within a wide range of areas.”

The calibre of researchers in the TIDC means that the translational research projects funded to date span a wide range of areas, new drugs and diagnostics, optimised vaccines, vector control products and other intervention tools. In addition, the majority of projects involve direct partnerships with industrial and non-academic partners across the world.

Dr Louise Jones, Head of Translational Research at the MRC, said: “The Tropical Infectious Disease Consortium is translationally focused and brings together partners across the geographical regions to tackle challenges in tropical and infectious diseases. With strong clinical links and connectivity with industry, MRC is delighted to be supporting the consortium through the MRC IAA to deliver a diverse and innovative portfolio of translational projects.”

The £1.6 million is over three years and represents the largest award to date. The funding call will be launched at the annual MRC TIDC Symposium which is scheduled to be held at Trinity College, Oxford on Wednesday, 21 September 2022.