Dr Annemieke van Eijk

Senior Clinical Research Fellow

Areas of interest

Senior Clinical Research Fellow 


Annemieke van Eijk is a Dutch clinical epidemiologist who trained at the Free University of Amsterdam (MD). She worked as a clinical doctor in England, the Netherlands and Uganda. She joined the CDC/KEMRI research unit in western Kenya in 1997, where she worked on studies involving malaria in pregnancy and HIV-1 infection. She obtained an MSc (London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) and PhD (University of Amsterdam) in epidemiology. She worked as a consultant for several organizations and the WHO. She joined the malaria epidemiology unit of the School in 2009 to support the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium and to assist with literature reviews and the maintenance of the malaria in pregnancy library. She is based in Nairobi.


Research interests focus on malaria in pregnancy and reproductive health.

Selected publications

  • Selected Publications

    Van Eijk AM, Lindblade KA, Odhiambo F, Peterson E, Rosen DH, Karanja D, Ayisi JG, Shi YP, Adazu K, Slutsker L, 2009. Geohelminth infections among pregnant women in rural western Kenya; a Cross-sectional study.  PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3(1): e370.

    Van Eijk AM, Ouma PO, Williamson J, Ter Kuile FO, Parise ME, Otieno K, Hamel MJ, Ayisi JG, Kariuki SK, Kager PA, Slutsker L, 2008. Plasma folate level and high dose folate supplementation predict sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment failure in pregnant women in western Kenya who have uncomplicated malaria. Journal of Infectious Diseases 198: 1550-3

    Van Eijk AM, Lindblade KA, Odhiambo F, Peterson E, Sikuku E, Ayisi JG, Ouma P, Rosen DH, Slutsker L, 2008. Reproductive health issues in rural Western Kenya. Reproductive Health 5: 1.

    Ter Kuile FO, van Eijk AM, Filler SJ, 2007. Effect of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance on the efficacy of intermittent preventive therapy for malaria control during pregnancy: a systematic review. JAMA 297: 2603-16.

    Van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, Slutsker L, Ter Kuile FO, Rosen DH, Otieno JA, Shi YP, Kager PA, Steketee RW, Nahlen BL, 2007. Effect of haematinic supplementation and malaria prevention on maternal anaemia and malaria in western Kenya. Tropical  Medicine and  International Health 12: 342-52.

    van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, Ter Kuile FO, Slutsker L, Shi YP, Udhayakumar V, Otieno JA, Kager PA, Lal RB, Steketee RW, Nahlen BL, 2007. HIV, Malaria, and Infant Anemia as Risk Factors for Postneonatal Infant Mortality among HIV-Seropositive Women in Kisumu, Kenya. Journal of  Infectious Diseases 196: 30-7.

    Green MD, van Eijk AM, Ter Kuile FO, Ayisi JG, Parise ME, Kager PA, Nahlen BL, Steketee R, Nettey H, 2007. Pharmacokinetics of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in HIV-infected and uninfected pregnant women in Western Kenya. Journal of Infectious Diseases 196: 1403-8.

    Ouma P, Parise ME, Hamel MJ, Ter Kuile FO, Otieno K, Ayisi JG, Kager PA, Steketee RW, Slutsker L, van Eijk AM, 2006. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Folate Supplementation When Treating Malaria in Pregnancy with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine. PLoS Clinical Trials 1: e28.

    Van Eijk AM, De Cock KM, Ayisi JG, Rosen DH, Otieno JA, Nahlen BL, Steketee RW, 2004. Pregnancy interval and delivery outcome among HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative women in Kisumu, Kenya.Tropical Medicine and International Health 9: 15-24.

    Van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, ter Kuile FO, Misore AO, Otieno JA, Rosen DH, Kager PA, Steketee RW, Nahlen BL, 2003. HIV increases the risk of malaria in women of all gravidities in Kisumu, Kenya. AIDS 17: 595-603.