John Essandoh

PhD Student

Medical Entomologist and a research fellow in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Coast.
Masters Degree in Biology and Control of Parasites and Diseased Vector from LSTM), 2012.
Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences in University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, 2009.

My interests lie in the genetic and ecological basis of insecticide resistance, primarily in the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Resistance to the insecticides used in vector control represents a possible impediment to effective control strategies and an understanding of the genetic basis of this resistance would aid not only in the development of improved insecticide formulations, and hence more effective control measures, but also allow the development of genetic tests to rapidly measure the extent and spread of resistance.

Selected publications

  • Weetman, David, Sara N. Mitchell, Craig S. Wilding, Daniel P. Birks, Alexander Egyir Yawson, John Essandoh, Henry D. Mawejje et al. "Contemporary evolution of resistance at the major insecticide target site gene Ace‐1 by mutation and copy number variation in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae." Molecular ecology (2015).

    Clarkson, Chris S., David Weetman, John Essandoh, Alexander E. Yawson, Gareth Maslen, Magnus Manske, Stuart G. Field et al. "Adaptive introgression between Anopheles sibling species eliminates a major genomic island but not reproductive isolation." Nature communications 5 (2014).

    Edi CV, Djogbénou L, Jenkins AM, Regna K, Muskavitch MAT, Poupardin, R, Jones CM, Essandoh J, Ketoh GK, Paine MJI, Koudou BG, Donnelly MJ, Ranson H & Weetman, D"CYP6 P450 Enzymes and ACE-1 Duplication Produce Extreme and Multiple Insecticide Resistance in the Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae." PLoS genetics 10.3 (2014): e1004236.

    Essandoh John, Alexander E. Yawson, and David Weetman. Acetylcholinesterase (Ace-1) target site mutation 119S is strongly diagnostic of carbamate and organophosphate resistance in Anopheles gambiae ss and Anopheles coluzzii across southern Ghana." Malaria journal 12.1 (2013): 404.