Tyler Walker

LITE Research Technician

I joined the LSTM’s spin-out company iiDiagnostics in July 2023 as a member of the Liverpool Insect Testing Establishment (LITE) team. As a Research Technician, my duties include rearing and maintaining mosquito colonies and subsequently performing bioassays to test insecticides and insect repellants for commercial partners. 

In 2018, I began my studies at Lancaster University and in 2022 I graduated with a 1st Class Integrated Masters (MSci) in Biomedicine. In 3rd year, my dissertation project investigating the relationship between insulin signaling and lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster contributed to a publication in Frontiers of Neuroscience, for which I was listed as a co-author.  Following graduation, I was a Medical Laboratory Assistant in the Cellular Pathology department at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, and then joined the LITE team.