LSTM Seminar: Dr Adam Roberts on "Antimicrobial Resistance; it’s in you!"

Event 26 May 2017

This is the last instalment of the LSTM Seminar Series of this academic year.

After an introduction by Professor Steve Ward, Adam will give an overview of the problem of antimicrobial resistance, the potential consequences and possible solutions.

He will also use data from his group to demonstrate that resistance is not just confined to pathogens in hospitals but can also be found in surprising places; including you.

The seminar will also see the launch of the Transposon Registry, an internationally recognised resource for the naming and cataloguing of mobile DNA which is often responsible for the spread of antimicrobial resistance. The registry is administered by Adam and hosted by LSTM.

Dr Adam Roberts is Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance. He graduated in Applied Biology from Coventry University in 1995 and with a PhD from the University of London in 2002. Worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Eastman Dental Institute, University College London until joining the LSTM in February 2017.