Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) visits LSTM

News article 16 Mar 2017

Sarah Dickinson Hyams, Head of Equality Charters at the ECU, visited LSTM on Wednesday the 15th of March to talk about the Athena SWAN Charter.

Mrs Dickinson Hyams met with members of the Senior Management Team in the morning for a question and answer session relating to Athena SWAN progress and challenges, and hosted workshops for Faculty Athena SWAN teams in the afternoon. These sessions explored a range of topics, including how to design effective actions, how to show progress and evidence impact, and the importance of disseminating the value and purpose of Athena SWAN to all colleagues across the school.

LSTM achieved Athena SWAN Bronze in 2013, and is in the process of preparing the application to renew its award. As part of this process, it as collected further feedback from staff in the form of the recent Staff Survey, and is developing a new institutional action plan based on this feedback and other sources of qualitative and quantitative data.

For further information on Athena SWAN, please visit LSTM’s Athena SWAN pages.