TB Research Group Publications


Tulloch, O., S. Theobald, F. Morishita, D.G. Datiko, G. Asnake, T. Tesema, H. Jamal, P. Markos, L.E. Cuevas, and M.A. Yassin, Patient and community experiences of tuberculosis diagnosis and care within a community-based intervention in Ethiopia: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 2015. 15: p. 187.

Sloan, D.J. and T.J. O'Dempsey, Tuberculosis in the time of Ebola: obstacles and opportunities. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2015. 19(11): p. 1269.

Sloan, D.J., H.C. Mwandumba, M. Kamdolozi, D. Shani, B. Chisale, J. Dutton, S.H. Khoo, T.J. Allain, and G.R. Davies, Vitamin D deficiency in Malawian adults with pulmonary tuberculosis: risk factors and treatment outcomes. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2015. 19(8): p. 904-11.

Obasanya, J., S.T. Abdurrahman, O. Oladimeji, L. Lawson, R. Dacombe, N. Chukwueme, T. Abiola, G. Mustapha, C. Sola, J. Dominguez, and L.E. Cuevas, Tuberculosis case detection in Nigeria, the unfinished agenda. Trop Med Int Health, 2015. 20(10): p. 1396-402.

Nicol, M.P., D. Gnanashanmugam, R. Browning, E.S. Click, L.E. Cuevas, A. Detjen, S.M. Graham, M. Levin, M. Makhene, P. Nahid, C.M. Perez-Velez, K. Reither, R. Song, H.M. Spiegel, C. Worrell, H.J. Zar, and G. Walzl, A Blueprint to Address Research Gaps in the Development of Biomarkers for Pediatric Tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis, 2015. 61Suppl 3: p. S164-72.

Mzinza, D.T., D.J. Sloan, K.C. Jambo, D. Shani, M. Kamdolozi, K.A. Wilkinson, R.J. Wilkinson, G.R. Davies, R.S. Heyderman, and H.C. Mwandumba, Kinetics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific IFN-gamma responses and sputum bacillary clearance in HIV-infected adults during treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2015. 95(4): p. 463-9.

Moreira Ada, S., G. Huf, M.A. Vieira, P.A. Costa, F. Aguiar, A.G. Marsico, S. Fonseca Lde, M. Ricks, M.M. Oliveira, A. Detjen, P.I. Fujiwara, S.B. Squire, and A.L. Kritski, Liquid vs Solid Culture Medium to Evaluate Proportion and Time to Change in Management of Suspects of Tuberculosis-A Pragmatic Randomized Trial in Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Units in Brazil. PLoS One, 2015. 10(6): p. e0127588.

Lewis, J.M. and D.J. Sloan, The role of delamanid in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Ther Clin Risk Manag, 2015. 11: p. 779-91.

Lawn, S.D., M.P. Nicol, and E.L. Corbett, Effect of empirical treatment on outcomes of clinical trials of diagnostic assays for tuberculosis. Lancet Infect Dis, 2015. 15(1): p. 17-8. 


Jambo KC, Banda DH, Afran L, Kankwatira AM, Malamba RD, Allain TJ, Gordon SB, Heyderman RS, Russell DG, Mwandumba HC. 2014. Asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy exhibit impaired lung CD4+ T-cell responses to mycobacteria. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 190(8):938-47.​ 

Abdurrahman, S. T., N. Emenyonu, O. J. Obasanya, L. Lawson, R. Dacombe, M. Muhammad, O. Oladimeji, and L. E. Cuevas. 2014. The hidden costs of installing xpert machines in a tuberculosis high-burden country: experiences from Nigeria. Pan Afr Med J 18:277.

Abouyannis, M., R. Dacombe, I. Dambe, J. Mpunga, B. Faragher, F. Gausi, H. Ndhlovu, C. Kachiza, P. Suarez, C. Mundy, H. T. Banda, I. Nyasulu, and S. B. Squire. 2014. Drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Malawi: a cross-sectional survey. Bull World Health Organ 92:798-806.

Theron, G., J. Peter, M. Richardson, M. Barnard, S. Donegan, R. Warren, K. R. Steingart, and K. Dheda. 2014. The diagnostic accuracy of the GenoType((R)) MTBDRsl assay for the detection of resistance to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 10:CD010705. 

Anderson de Cuevas, R.M., N. Al-Sonboli, N. Al-Aghbari, M.A. Yassin, L.E. Cuevas, and S.J. Theobald, Barriers to Completing TB Diagnosis in Yemen: Services Should Respond to Patients' Needs. PLoS One, 2014. 9(9): p. e105194. 

Heemskerk, D., J. Farrar, and M. Caws, Tuberculous meningitis,  Book chapter: in Infections of the central nervous system, 4th edition, W. Scheld, Whitley, RJ., Marra, CM., Editor. 2014, Wolters Kuwer Health: Philidelphia. p. 474-50. 2014. 

Nhu, N.T., D. Heemskerk, D.A. Thu do, T.T. Chau, N.T. Mai, H.D. Nghia, P.P. Loc, D.T. Ha, L. Merson, T.T. Thinh, J. Day, N. Chau, M. Wolbers, J. Farrar, and M. Caws, Evaluation of GeneXpert MTB/RIF for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. J Clin Microbiol, 2014. 52(1): p. 226-33. 

Campo, M., A.K. Randhawa, S. Dunstan, J. FarrarM. Caws,N.D. Bang, N.N. Lan, T.T. Chau, D.J. Horne, N.T. Thuong, G.E. Thwaites, and T.R. Hawn, Common Polymorphisms in the CD43 Gene Region Are Associated With Tuberculosis Disease and Mortality. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 2014. 

Dowdy, D.W., R. Houben, T. Cohen, M. Pai, F. Cobelens, A. Vassall, N.A. Menzies, G.B. Gomez, I. Langley, S.B. Squire, R. White, and T.M.m. participants, Impact and cost-effectiveness of current and future tuberculosis diagnostics: the contribution of modelling. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2014. 18(9): p. 1012-8. 

Gospodarevskaya, E., O. Tulloch, C. Bunga, S. Ferdous, A. Jonas, S. Islam, M. Rahman, M.A. Hussain, M.N. Haque, S. Egwaga, E. Gardiner, G. PrayGod, M.A. Islam, G.H. Mann, W.A. Wells, and S.B. Squire, Patient costs during tuberculosis treatment in Bangladesh and Tanzania: the potential of shorter regimens. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2014. 18(7): p. 810-7. 

Langley, I., E. Adams, B. Doulla, and S.B. Squire, Operational modelling to guide implementation and scale-up of diagnostic tests within the health system: exploring opportunities for parasitic disease diagnostics based on example application for tuberculosis. Parasitology, 2014: p. 1-8. 

Langley, I., H.H. Lin, S. Egwaga, B. Doulla, C.C. Ku, M. Murray, T. Cohen, and S.B. Squire, Assessment of the patient, health system, and population effects of Xpert MTB/RIF and alternative diagnostics for tuberculosis in Tanzania: an integrated modelling approach. Lancet Glob Health, 2014. 2(10): p. e581-91. 

Naidoo, P., E. du Toit, R. Dunbar, C. Lombard, J. Caldwell, A. Detjen, S.B. Squire, D.A. Enarson, and N. Beyers, A comparison of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment commencement times in MDRTBPlus line probe assay and Xpert(R) MTB/RIF-based algorithms in a routine operational setting in Cape Town. PLoS One, 2014. 9(7): p. e103328. 

Nunn, A.J., I. Rusen, A. Van Deun, G. Torrea, P.P. Phillips, C.Y. Chiang, S.B. Squire, J. Madan, and S.K. Meredith,Evaluation of a standardized treatment regimen of anti-tuberculosis drugs for patients with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (STREAM): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2014. 15(1): p. 353. 

Oladimeji, O., P. Isaakidis, O.J. Obasanya, O. Eltayeb, M. Khogali, R. Van den Bergh, A.M. Kumar, S.G. Hinderaker, S.T. Abdurrahman, L. Lawson, and L.E. Cuevas, Intensive-phase treatment outcomes among hospitalized multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients: results from a nationwide cohort in Nigeria. PLoS One, 2014. 9(4): p. e94393. 

Theron, G., J. Peter, D. Dowdy, I. Langley, S.B. Squire, and K. Dheda, Do high rates of empirical treatment undermine the potential effect of new diagnostic tests for tuberculosis in high-burden settings? Lancet Infect Dis, 2014. 14(6): p. 527-32.  


Feasey, N. A., P. P. Banada, W. Howson, D. J. Sloan, A. Mdolo, C. Boehme, G. A. Chipungu, T. J. Allain, R. S. Heyderman, E. L. Corbett and D. Alland. "Evaluation of Xpert Mtb/Rif for Detection of Tuberculosis from Blood Samples of Hiv-Infected Adults Confirms Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bacteremia as an Indicator of Poor Prognosis." J Clin Microbiol 51, no. 7 (2013): 2311-6. 

Gammo, M., W. Lamaric, M. Hadida, A. Abuazza, N. A. Askar, M. A. Yassin and L. E. Cuevas. "Front-Loaded Smear Microscopy for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tb in Tripoli, Libya." Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 107, no. 2 (2013):137-9. 

Gospodarevskaya, E., O. Tulloch, C. Bunga, S. Ferdous, A. Jonas, S. Islam, M. Rahman, M. A. Hussain, M. N. Haque, S. Egwaga, E. Gardiner, G. PrayGod, M. A. Islam, G. H. Mann, W. A. Wells and S. B. Squire. "Patient Costs During Tuberculosis Treatment in Bangladesh and Tanzania: The Potential of Shorter Regimens." Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 18, no. 7 (2014): 810-7. 

Graham, S. M., M. Casenghi, P. Jean-Philippe, M. Hatherill, A. C. Hesseling, S. Nachman, J. R. Starke, S. Swaminathan and L. E. Cuevas. "Reply to Holm Et Al." J Infect Dis 207, no. 5 (2013): 871-2. 

Huisman, F. H., C. J. Squire and E. J. Parker. "Amino-Acid Substitutions at the Domain Interface Affect Substrate and Allosteric Inhibitor Binding in Alpha-Isopropylmalate Synthase from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 433, no. 2 (2013): 249-54. 

Langley, I., E. Adams, B. Doulla and S. B. Squire. "Operational Modelling to Guide Implementation and Scale-up of Diagnostic Tests within the Health System: Exploring Opportunities for Parasitic Disease Diagnostics Based on Example Application for Tuberculosis." Parasitology,  (2014): 1-8. 

Lawn, S. D., P. Mwaba, M. Bates, A. Piatek, H. Alexander, B. J. Marais, L. E. Cuevas, T. D. McHugh, L. Zijenah, N. Kapata, I. Abubakar, R. McNerney, M. Hoelscher, Z. A. Memish, G. B. Migliori, P. Kim, M. Maeurer, M. Schito and A. Zumla. "Advances in Tuberculosis Diagnostics: The Xpert Mtb/Rif Assay and Future Prospects for a Point-of-Care Test." Lancet Infect Dis 13, no. 4 (2013): 349-61. 

Lawson, L., N. Emenyonu, S. T. Abdurrahman, J. O. Lawson, G. N. Uzoewulu, O. M. Sogaolu, J. N. Ebisike, C. M. Parry, M. A. Yassin and L. E. Cuevas. "Comparison of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Drug Susceptibility Using Solid and Liquid Culture in Nigeria." BMC Res Notes 6,  (2013): 215. 

MacPherson, P., A. T. Choko, E. L. Webb, D. Thindwa, S. B. Squire, R. Sambakunsi, J. J. van Oosterhout, T. Chunda, K. Chavula, S. D. Makombe, D. G. Lalloo and E. L. Corbett. "Development and Validation of a Global Positioning System-Based "Map Book" System for Categorizing Cluster Residency Status of Community Members Living in High-Density Urban Slums in Blantyre, Malawi." Am J Epidemiol 177, no. 10 (2013): 1143-7. 

Naidoo, P., E. du Toit, R. Dunbar, C. Lombard, J. Caldwell, A. Detjen, S. B. Squire, D. A. Enarson and N. Beyers."A Comparison of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment Commencement Times in Mdrtbplus Line Probe Assay and Xpert(R) Mtb/Rif-Based Algorithms in a Routine Operational Setting in Cape Town." PLoS One 9, no. 7 (2014): e103328. 

Nhu, N. T., D. Heemskerk, D. A. Thu do, T. T. Chau, N. T. Mai, H. D. Nghia, P. P. Loc, D. T. Ha, L. Merson, T. T. Thinh, J. Day, Nv Chau, M. Wolbers, J. Farrar and M. Caws. "Evaluation of Genexpert Mtb/Rif for Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis." J Clin Microbiol 52, no. 1 (2014): 226-33. 

Nunn, A. J., I. Rusen, A. Van Deun, G. Torrea, P. P. Phillips, C. Y. Chiang, S. B. Squire, J. Madan and S. K. Meredith. "Evaluation of a Standardized Treatment Regimen of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs for Patients with Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (Stream): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial." Trials 15, no. 1 (2014): 353. 

Oladimeji, O., P. Isaakidis, O. J. Obasanya, O. Eltayeb, M. Khogali, R. Van den Bergh, A. M. Kumar, S. G. Hinderaker, S. T. Abdurrahman, L. Lawson and L. E. Cuevas. "Intensive-Phase Treatment Outcomes among Hospitalized Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: Results from a Nationwide Cohort in Nigeria." PLoS One 9, no. 4 (2014): e94393. 

Sloan, D. J., G. R. Davies and S. H. Khoo. "Recent Advances in Tuberculosis: New Drugs and Treatment Regimens." Curr Respir Med Rev 9, no. 3 (2013): 200-210. 

Theron, G., J. Peter, D. Dowdy, I. Langley, S. B. Squire and K. Dheda. "Do High Rates of Empirical Treatment Undermine the Potential Effect of New Diagnostic Tests for Tuberculosis in High-Burden Settings?" Lancet Infect Dis 14, no. 6 (2014): 527-32. 

Waitt, C. J., E. C. Joekes, N. Jesudason, P. I. Waitt, P. Goodson, G. Likumbo, S. Kampondeni, E. B. Faragher and S. B. Squire. "The Effect of a Tuberculosis Chest X-Ray Image Reference Set on Non-Expert Reader Performance." Eur Radiol 23, no. 9 (2013): 2459-68. 

Warman, A. J., T. S. Rito, N. E. Fisher, D. M. Moss, N. G. Berry, P. M. O'Neill, S. A. Ward and G. A. Biagini."Antitubercular Pharmacodynamics of Phenothiazines." J Antimicrob Chemother 68, no. 4 (2013): 869-80. 

Yassin, M. A., D. G. Datiko, O. Tulloch, P. Markos, M. Aschalew, E. B. Shargie, M. H. Dangisso, R. Komatsu, S. Sahu, L. Blok, L. E. Cuevas and S. Theobald. "Innovative Community-Based Approaches Doubled Tuberculosis Case Notification and Improve Treatment Outcome in Southern Ethiopia." PLoS One 8, no. 5 (2013): e63174. 

Yassin, M. A., R. Petrucci, K. T. Garie, G. Harper, A. Teshome, I. Arbide, G. Asnake, H. J. Ahmed, T. Mammo, K. Yesuf and L. E. Cuevas. "Use of Tuberculin Skin Test, Ifn-Gamma Release Assays and Ifn-Gamma-Induced Protein-10 to Identify Children with Tb Infection." Eur Respir J 41, no. 3 (2013): 644-8. 

Zhao, F., N. Squires, D. Weakliam, W. Van Lerberghe, A. Soucat, K. Toure, G. Shakarishvili, E. Quain and A. Maeda. "Investing in Human Resources for Health: The Need for a Paradigm Shift." Bull World Health Organ 91, no. 11 (2013): 799-799A.