Governance & Statutory Reporting
All higher education teaching and research institutes have a duty to publish information that demonstrates their compliance and responsibilities under The Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). Reports must include information relating to people who share a relevant protected characteristic, who are employees or others affected by institutional policies and procedures.
We are committed to working beyond the minimum statutory requirements and endeavour to celebrate diversity, promote equity, and foster inclusion; to be an employer where our global community of staff, students, and partners all feel valued. We recognise that there is always further work to do on all areas of inclusion, which informs our continued efforts to improve our equity efforts year on year. In publishing our annual Equity and Inclusion and Gender and Ethnicity PayGap reports we seek to:
- update on Annual Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) related activity
- capture the diversity of our staff and students across protected characteristics
- acknowledge gaps in our activities and inform action moving forward
- identify institutional ED&I goals for the future
We are committed to building on our efforts, knowing we can, and will, do more on all aspects of ED&I. We look forward to reporting our progress on these important priorities in due course. Further details will be published in our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy which is due to be published by 2024, with updates on progress against actions provided in our relevant annual reports year on year, linked on this section of our website.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Governance
Our Equity and Diversity Committee is co-chaired by our Director David Lalloo and Global Human Resources Director Sam Airey. The committee has representation from across the school, including staff and students – ensuring that all colleagues have the opportunity to be heard and part of the decision-making process.
These pages contain information on our Annual Equity related reports, including our Annual Equity and Diversity and Pay Gap Reports, as well as our governance structure and ED&I Strategy.