Working Safely during COVID-19
Some critical roles cannot be done fully remotely therefore a partial return to campus for employees is required mainly for laboratory-based staff and some other essential staff and students.
The ongoing review of this risk assessment should be undertaken at key stages, or when further additional staff or students return to work which may reflect Government advice and decrease in the prevalence of Covid-19 within the UK population. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19. LSTM has a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from a risk to their health and safety. It is our objective that everything reasonably practicable to minimise risks to employees and others has been considered and mitigated where possible.
The Risk Assessment is a live document that is subject to review at key stages as the response to Covid-19 develops. The risk hierarchy is applicable to determining measures to control all risks. For the purposes of assessing the risks from infection with Covid- 19 the measures of Elimination and Reduction will reflect people following government advice to identify symptoms and self-isolate according to guidelines. The additional identified action support processes and personal protection required to further mitigate the likelihood of infection.
LSTM recognise that the people who work within the buildings are the best people to understand the risks in the workplace and we welcome your views on an ongoing basis to address any concerns you may have.
If you need to raise a concern please contact your Line Manager or Head of Department in the first instance and then it may be important for the Head of Estates , Head of Health and Biological Safety or HR to address this matter for you.
There are a number of additional training events, documents and contact points to support staff in relation to their Return to Campus. The MS Teams site LSTM Connects contains copies and links to all LSTM Working Safely During Covid-19 documents and the Return to Campus guide. Please contact HR for copies of all relevant documentation.