PAMOJA - Comprehensive Improvement of Maternal and Child Care in Vihiga County, Kenya

PAMOJA - Comprehensive Improvement of Maternal and Child Care in Vihiga County, Kenya

Project 28 Nov 2024

Training sessions for medical staff in Vihiga County, Kenya / credit Treating with a Mission

The project aims to decrease maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity rates by providing high quality medical care from conception to delivery. To achieve the project goals plans are to perform training for medical staff, provide them with high quality equipment and infrastructure.

Main focus: reproductive health, antenatal care, pregnancy complications and pathologies, ultrasound diagnostics, safe delivery, postpartum care, Newborn Life Support and advanced neonatal care (including premature care)- training based on pre-training assessment and the needs of the facility.

The project is co-financed within the framework of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.


LSTM’s role and responsibilities

  • Liaison for County government and the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council: Coordinate and convene the inception meetings between the project volunteers and the County Government of Vihiga.
  • Collect baseline data on equipment availability, functionality and gaps, hospital bed capacity and status of maternity units and theatres, staff complements overall and specifically numbers and cadres working in the maternity, workload especially number of deliveries per month against the modes of delivery.
  • Monitor project progress.
  • Quality assurance for the healthcare worker trainings.
  • Support drafting and review of the final report.


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