
The Procurement Department at LSTM forms a part of Financial and Business Services 


Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) operates in a devolved manner. Departments have responsibility for their own budgets and in how they spend that money. However, departments also have to spend their budgets with in line with ‘Best Value’ with suppliers.

A supplier is considered to be "a provider which has been successful in a LSTM or a consortium procurement exercise, or for some substantial reason have earned the right to the title of LSTM supplier', and to whom ongoing LSTM business for contracted items should be directed".

LSTM contracts which exceed the European thresholds for public sector procurement are tendered through the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and in accordance with OJEU regulations. Large value contracts which do not exceed the thresholds for OJEU tendering are awarded through a competitive processes, in line with the LSTM’s Procurement Procedures.

LSTM operates a fair and open competition by following transparent and auditable procedure in all its tendering and contracting activity. The aim of this is to provide a wide range of businesses with a variety of commercial opportunities. We endeavour to provide all businesses with the knowledge they need in order to submit quotations or tenders for contracts. We also provide guidance on some key factors that suppliers will need to consider in relation to the contracting with LSTM.

Some works, goods and services purchases made are in accordance with contracts following tenders created either by the LSTM, through the North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC), in collaboration with a number of regional HE consortia, and other likeminded organisations.

LSTM are attractive as we are a stable organisation that pay their invoices on time, and a institute such as LSTM will be a high profile client to be referenced when endeavouring to win other contracts across the public and private sector.

LSTM  has an SME-Friendly Policy that explains the steps that it takes so as to ensure that its procurement processes do not create unnecessary barriers for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which may deter or inhibit them when our contract opportunities are advertised.

LSTM’s Procurement Regulations encourage consideration of the benefits of including a local supplier when inviting quotations for contracts

As part of the SME-Friendly Policy, LSTM regularly delivers presentations at local and regional supplier events explaining how it does business and where to find contract opportunities. 

Opportunities for suppliers will be advertised here in due course.

Contact Us 

If you are supplier wishing to know more about how LSTM does its procurement please contact the appropriate member of the Procurement Team from the list below:

Procurement Officer  

Lynn Abernethy    
Procurement Officer
0151 705 3320                                                                 

Responsible for: Computer Supplies and Services, Laboratory and Animal House Supplies and Services, Printing, Postal Telecommunications/Mail Room Services, Travel &Transport, Medical Surgical Supplies & Services

Procurement Officer
Steve Revill  
0151 705 3244                                                                            

Responsible for: Insurance, Estates and Buildings, Library & Publications, Catering Supplies and Services, Furniture Furnishings and Textiles 

If you have general question relating to LSTM procurement, please email: