ReBUILD for Resilience

ReBUILD for Resilience builds on the work started during the highly successful ReBUILD programme but focuses on a wider range of stressors in a wider range of contexts – fragile and shock-prone settings.
Over six years, staff from LSTM’s Department of International Public Health will lead a collaboration involving partners in Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal, Sierra Leone and the UK. The team will produce a body of high-quality, relevant, practical, scalable research which can be used to improve the health and lives of many millions of people.

Two billion of the world’s poorest people live in fragile and shock-prone settings and that figure is rising, fuelled by growing inequality, violence, conflicts and other shocks. In these contexts, and with growing threats from climate change, population displacement and pandemics, the progress towards universal health coverage is slow. This funding will help us to understand how we can develop stronger and more resilient health systems which deliver both local and global health.

The team

ReBUILD for Resilience is funded by a £7.68 million grant from the UK government’s Department for International Development.