Professor Robert Simon Heyderman

Honorary Research Fellow

Division of Infection & Immunity, University College London

Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme

Professor Robert Heyderman is a clinician scientist with skills and experience that bridge clinical practice and fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of infectious disease. He recently moved to UCL after directing the highly successful Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Programme (MLW) for over 8 years.  This world leading translational research unit that has impacted on the epidemiology, diagnosis, management and prevention of a wide range of life-threatening infections and non-communicable diseases,influencing both policy and outcome. 

His research focuses on the endothelial biology & coagulopathy of severe infection; the microbial and immunological basis of severe infection by mucosal pathogens and their prevention through vaccination; regulation of host inflammation; and the diagnosis and management of meningitis and sepsis. He has recently launched the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Mucosal Pathogens (MPRU), which is an interdisciplinary translational programme that brings together internationally recognised UK and African investigators to tackle limitations in the long-term effectiveness of existing vaccines though new approaches to interrupting mucosal pathogen carriage/transmission.