Challenges of a Changing World - 9th Annual Health in Humanitarian Settings Research Symposium

Event 21 Oct 2019

LSTM's 9th student led symposium is calling for abstracts from any field of research to the above symposium, a one-day annual event aimed towards networking, research and keynote talks pertaining to the humanitarian sector.


Interested in attending? Please register here

We accept abstracts for poster presentations and oral presentations for the four panel themes below. Oral presentations will be ten minutes in length and prizes will be given for exceptional presentations.

The panels are:

1)      Climate change

Never before have we been so acutely aware of the threats that climate change poses upon humanity. It’s magnitude within emerging research and aid work efforts are becoming increasingly known. This panel seeks to explore the direct impact climate change is having upon humanitarianism, but also the ways in which it is indirectly altering disease profiles, nature and severity of humanitarian crises and political or organisational structure.

2)      Migration and displaced populations

Conflict, violence and persecution are actively displacing the highest number of individuals ever seen worldwide, to this day. We now live in a world where it is easier to move between geographical states than ever before, but with this comes new political and structural change. This panel aims to cover all topics regarding deprived and displaced populations and issues arising from global migration.

3)      Media, technology and innovation – help or hindrance?

With the ever-progressing state of technology, social networks and global media, information never seems more than a click away. Whilst this has advanced both the developed world and aid in lower income countries, this innovation brings with it a tidal wave of new challenges. This panel is concerned with the impact of technological change, utility of media and ways in which innovation has both promoted and caused difficulty in humanitarian work.

4)      The humanitarian divide

Even within as altruistic a field as humanitarianism there are parallels. Should aid delivery be prioritised for chronic conditions or acute emergencies? Should focus be on human rights or on government policy?  In a conflicting world, it is difficult to decide where resources should be sent. This panel aims to explore the influence of policy, politics and law upon vulnerable populations as well as addressing areas of humanitarianism where conflicting ideas exist.

We invite abstracts no more than 250 words from any research, including academic, field-based, military or undergraduate. Please structure your abstract clearly under background, aim, methods, results and conclusion*.

Please email abstracts to no later than Friday 23rd November, and clearly specify if you would prefer to present an oral or poster presentation.

Interested in attending? Please register here