In the lead up to LSTM’s 125th anniversary in 2023 the first of a programme of ‘Future Focus’ events was held at Liverpool’s Maritime Museum, a highlight of which was Dr David Nabarro CBE delivering LSTM’s prestigious Leverhulme Lecture.
Dr Nabarro, Special Advisor to he UN Secretary-General and curator of the multi-stakeholder Food Systems Dialogues, delivered an inspirational lecture entitled: Engaging in complex issues to secure the future to an audience of staff, students and invited guests. Talking about issues of food security and climate change Dr Nabarro emphasised the importance of dialogue with people who hold different points of view and to include those people who have a direct stake in relevant industries, including food producers and consumers.
He described his time as a senior lecturer at LSTM as setting the foundation of an inquisitive connective mind that could never stop and opening his eyes to possibilities. He asked his audience to consider “not for now, but for the ones to come.”
The day also included Professional Liverpool ‘In conversation with LSTM Director, Professor David Lalloo’ where he talked about future plans for LSTM, what it can contribute to the Liverpool City Region and what the region can contribute to LSTM.
This was preceded by a presentation from LSTM’s Dean of Clinical Sciences and International Public Health, Professor Bertie Squire, looking at global and local perspectives on improving access to TB care.
Professor Squire talked about LSTM’s collaborative work in lower- and middle-income countries and outlined the hurdles people have to overcome to access TB diagnosis, treatment, care and cure.
The local perspective was highlighted by Fatima Karmadwala, a Psychology student and Liverpool John Moores University, who was interviewed by Ms Heather Toner, TB Nurse Specialist Lead of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Fatima talked about her experiences of being diagnosed with multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB. She explained the problems and hurdles she encountered with the gruelling treatment and care regimen as well as the stigma and lack of understanding she has faced, choosing to talk about her experiences to better inform the treatment of other people with her condition in the UK.
The event began with LSTM’s 120th Annual General Meeting at which Chairman of LSTM’s Board of Trustees, James Ross OBE, was thanked for his 12 years of service in the position, as he will be stepping down as Chair in early 2020. During the meeting members officially ratified the 2018/2019 Annual Report and Financial Statement which are now both available online.