The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine’s (LSTM), Emergency Obstetric and Quality of Care Unit has launched an innovative blended learning approach to continuing professional development (CPD) for health care professionals involved in the provision of antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) in Low-income countries. The package developed in 2022, is formally launched during the first Knowledge Management and Learning event of the Global Fund multi-country ANC/PC Quality of Care programme held 12-14 September, at Liverpool.
The ANC and PNC blended learning package is part of the implementation research programme to improve quality of integrated HIV, TB and malaria services in ANC and PNC. The five-year programme which started in 2020 funded by the Global Fund with funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals will implement, document and disseminate innovative approaches to improving the screening, testing and treatment of HIV, TB and malaria and improve integrated service delivery at facility and community levels in Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania.
The new ANC/PNC blended learning package which covers essential components of ANC and PNC including integration of HIV, TB and malaria services, as well as quality care, respectful maternity care, communication, and emotional and mental health assessment has taken the traditional face to face training and repackaged it into three main parts combining online study with face-to-face training:
- Part 1 self-directed learning
- Part 2 facilitated virtual/online sessions and
- Part 3 face-to-face sessions.
LSTM have partnered with the World Continuing Education Alliance (WCEA) which is a social impact technology company that provides sustainable technology solutions to stakeholders in low and middle-income countries to build capacity in the training of frontline healthcare workers in CPD and lifelong learning through the use of technology. The mission is to ensure providers have easy access to education and information to empower them to deliver improved patient care and health outcomes.
A feasibility study of this package in Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania will be completed in December 2022.
Dr Charles Ameh, PI of the Global Funded ANC/PNC Quality of Care programme said: “We hope that this innovative approach to Continuous Professional Development in LMICs will have an impact on the quality of care provided and is accessible to thousands of care providers serving disadvantaged populations globally”.
Craig Fitzpatrick, Programme Director at WCEA said: “WCEA is privileged to be part of this blended learning approach to CPD with LSTM .It will empower providers in low resource countries and have a positive impact on the quality of care they deliver in their communities”.
To find out more about the blended learning package please read our blog on ANC and PNC blended learning CPD for Skilled Health Personnel.