Top marks from DFID for the ‘Making it Happen’ programme.

News article 10 Feb 2015

LSTM’s Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH) has, for the second year running, received top marks from the Department for International Development (DFID) for the ‘Making it Happen’ programme.

The A+ scoring was awarded to the maternal and newborn health project following an annual review of its achievements, systems and governance of the programme which currently operates in 11 African and Asian countries. CMNH serves as the global coordinating centre for the programme working in close partnership with the Ministry of Health in each participating country, the UN technical agencies and professional organisations.

‘Making it Happen’ reduces maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by increasing the availability of Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA) and Emergency Obstetric Care and Newborn Care (EOC&NC). It utilises volunteer midwives, obstetricians and gynaecologists to deliver competency-based training packages tailored to specific countries as well as strengthening data collection and data use in health facilities and promoting the introduction of a Quality Improvement methodology.

In particular, DFID commended CMNH on strengthening capacity to sustain improvements in maternal and newborn health service delivery, with 15,601 healthcare providers trained in EmONC

and 1,488 in-country Facilitators (Master Trainers).  DFID noted “the programme is highly respected by country governments and has contributed to national EmONC training curricula review and development.”

A spokesperson from the Ministry of Health in Kenya said: “Making it Happen is the best thing that has ever happened to Kenya in Maternal and Newborn Health. It is highly valued and has succeeded in demystifying Maternal and Newborn Health.”

Dr Charles Ameh, Deputy Head of CMNH said: “We are delighted to receive an A+ for the second year running and we think that this is testament to the enduring success of ‘Making it Happen’. That success is undoubtedly cemented by the sustainability that is built into the programme and the fact that we have worked hard to establish solid partnerships within countries’ ministries of health and NGOs. This award is a reflection of the continuing dedication of our staff, volunteers and partners throughout the programme.”