Research Associate, Project Manager
Uganda Tuberculosis Implementation Research Consortium (U-TIRC), Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Uganda

Born and raised in Uganda, Irene’s long-term research interest is to develop acceptable and feasible interventions to improve TB treatment outcomes and to use behavioural change theories to understand key issues related to lung health. This is with the aim to bridge the gap between evidence-based guidelines and public health practice through community engagement and patient-centred approaches.
Irene studied for her MBChB at Makerere University in Uganda and a master’s degree in International Public Health at the University of Sydney, in Australia. She is currently a student at Lancaster University undertaking an MRes in Global Health as part of a 1 + 3 PhD program at Lancaster and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, under the IMPALA program.
She is part of the team at the Uganda Tuberculosis Implementation Research Consortium (U-TIRC), a collaborative project with several component implementation science (ImS) projects aimed at improving tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis and management at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, in Kampala, Uganda.