Found 515 people
Dr Michael BJ Beadsworth
Honorary Senior LecturerBSc FRCP, FRCP (E), DTMH, MD -
Clare Bebb
Senior Media Officer -
Dr Carol Bedwell
Senior Lecturer -
Professor Nick Beeching
Emeritus Professor of Tropical and Infectious DiseasesMA, BM BCh, FRCP, FRACP, FFTM RCPS (Glasg), DCH, DTM&H, Hon FCCP (Sri Lanka), FESCMID -
Sara Begg
Research Assistant -
Ayesha E.R. Bell-Gam Woto
PhD Candidate -
Andrew Bennett
Scientific Computing DeveloperBSc -
Dr Hannah Betts
Information and Database Manager, CNTD -
Shweta Bhatli
Senior Educational Technologist (Learning Designer) -
Professor Giancarlo Biagini
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and InnovationBSc (Hons) PhD