LSTM Graduating Class of 2013

News article 12 Dec 2013

LSTM’s class of 2013 will graduate this afternoon at Royal Liverpool Philharomic Hall. The graduating class of 61 MSc students, along with four of PhD students and a number of students awarded certificates and diplomas will receive their certificates from LSTM’s Director of Education, Dr Sue Assinder. The students were invited to get together before the ceremony at a special lunch provided for them and their families at LSTM. It was a chance to catch up with their classmates and celebrate each other’s success.

Following lunch there were several awards presented by Dr Assinder across the different Masters programmes. While two of the students receiving the awards were unable to attend they, along with the other recipients, were applauded by staff and fellow students alike.

Awards were presented to the following students:

Catrin Jones (MHS) and Alice Harvey (MHHPM) were jointly awarded the prize for the highest scoring students on a Humanitarian programme.

Maria Montero Martin (MTP) was awarded the John Hay prize for the student scoring the highest marks on the Masters in Tropical Paediatrics programme.

Alexandra Sparks (MBPDV) was awarded the Jervis prize for the student scoring the highest marks on the Biology Masters programmes.

Laura Dean (MIPH) was awarded the newly-named Debbie Quinney Prize for the student scoring the highest marks on the International Public Health programmes.

Matthew Blakiston (MTID) was awarded the Glen Williams prize for the student scoring the highest marks on the Masters in Tropical & Infectious Diseases programme.

Uwe Dübbelde (MTP) was awarded the Matthew Lukwiya prize for the highest marked dissertation on the Masters in Tropical Paediatrics programme.

Pelagie Boko (BCPDV) and Helen Owolabi (MIPH - SRH) were jointly awarded the David Smith Memorial Prize. This prize is awarded to LSTM students from a developing country who have contributed the most to the collective and team work of students on the programme.