STEM Ambassador training at LSTM

News article 6 Oct 2015

In LSTM’s latest drive to encourage public engagement, MerseySTEM visited LSTM to provide STEM Ambassador training to 14 members of staff, made up of research assistants, PhD candidates, post docs and lecturers.  The two hour interactive training session was designed to give a background to the national STEMNET program, the STEM Ambassador scheme and the importance of engaging with young people about the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and maths).

The trainer from MerseySTEM explained that young people often find the STEM subjects the least interesting at school and, as a result of this, choose to not take their education in these subjects further. However, engaging with researchers and scientists can help to highlight to young people the diverse applications of the STEM-subjects in the real world, encouraging them to see the subjects as fun and exciting and opening up a whole range of rewarding career options.

MerseySTEM training is designed to provide STEM Ambassadors with the tools to not only inspire young people, but also to support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in research. The session provided tips and advice perfect for Ambassadors who are apprehensive about speaking to a classroom of young people, boosting the newly trained ambassador’s confidence with team exercises and activities.

LSTM’s Public Engagement Manager, Dr Elli Wright, said: “LSTM has such a fantastic mix of researchers and scientists each passionate about the work that they do. If we can develop the role of the STEM team we can inspire young people to take up STEM subjects at school and encourage the next generation of scientists.”   

LSTM now has 14 new STEM Ambassadors looking forward to engaging with young people, and working closely with LSTM’s STEM Ambassador Team.  For more information about the STEM Ambassador program and the next training opportunity on the 16th November, please contact LSTM’s STEM Ambassador Team or the Public Engagement Manager Elli Wright.