World Diabetes Day 2019

News article 14 Nov 2019

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2019, LSTM Professor Shabbar Jaffar presented evidence around the prevalence, importance and challenges of multi-morbidity in diabetes, hypertension and HIV-infection at the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) annual scientific meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.

Professor Shabbar's presentation is a reflection of the work LSTM does in partnership with multiple African and European researchers and policymakers trying to identify new ways of controlling diabetes in Africa. The work is highlighted and further explained in this animation video.

In Tanzania, LSTM, the National Institute for Medical Research and Hindu Mandal Hospital have started the so-called META trial. This clinical trial tests the drug metformin for the prevention of diabetes in Africa.


In Uganda, LSTM partners from the MRC, UVRI and the LSHTM Uganda Research Unit and the Aids Support Organisation (TASO) have been providing preliminary data on the integrated management of HIV infection, diabetes and hypertension to the Ugandan Ministry of Health.

The partnership aims to improve the health outcomes of people with chronic life-long conditions in sub-Saharan Africa through research with a specific focus on the prevention and management of HIV-infection, diabetes and hypertension.

More information about the partnerships can be found here 

The research is funded by the UK's National Institute for Health Research using UK aid from the UK government and the European Commission Horizon 2020.