Virtual joint session between the national non-communicable diseases program (tancdp) and respond africa group (nimr-muhimbili)

Blog 2 Apr 2021
credit: INEAFRICA/IS Global

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to improve partnerships by working together between the National Non-Communicable Diseases Program. 

The Program Manager gave a history of the start of the Program since 2019. The manager highlighted about the challenge of using and accessing data on non-communicable diseases in the country. It was also noted the important of partnership in working together to facilitate the conduct of research as well as to support the use of data and research at the policy level, especially in preventing and controlling the increase in non-communicable diseases. Present in the meeting were: Respond Africa Tz members (Prof Mfinanga and Dr Sokoine) and from TaNCDP) were Program director (Dkt James Kiologwe), Program manager (Dr Omary Ubuguyu) and Human resource (Simon Ernest). The team agreed to continue with monthly meetings discussions on various agenda for NCDs.