DELTAS Africa – Community and Public Engagement Fund

Project 22 Nov 2019

The Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science (DELTAS) Africa is a five-year initiative that aims to improve health in Africa through research driven by the most urgent regional challenges. It is implemented by The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) with support from Wellcome and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) to train and develop world class researchers and research leaders in Africa. 

One the strategic areas of the DELTAS Africa programme is to address scientific citizenship through community and public engagement (CPE). To achieve this, the DELTAS CPE fund has been established which will strengthen capacity in the area of CPE. Under the initiative, a second round of funding will be available to specifically address gender equity in research using innovative CPE initiatives. Applicants for the fund will be drawn from the DELTAS PhD and post-doctoral candidates affiliated to the DELTAS consortia.  

The DELTAS CPE fund will align with the outcomes of the DELTAS Learning Research Programme (LRP) which is producing research-based learning about how to train and develop world-class researchers, foster their careers and collaborations, and promote research uptake. 

Centre for Capacity Research Objectives

The Centre for Capacity Research (CCR) will work alongside the DELTAS Africa CPE fund grantees to develop their engagement plans and will support the monitoring and evaluation of the progress and the outcomes against these plans. In addition, CCR will monitor and evaluate the CPE programme as a whole.