International Toxin Talks

Event 30 Oct 2020

On October 30th we are holding two Halloween seminars, bringing together ECRs from across the world to present their research into how toxins can be used to benefit our lives and show how fascinating the creatures that produce them are. The sessions will feature talks on using spider venoms as a source of novel anti-parasitic drugs, the mystery of 'stinging snot', how to improve snakebite outcomes in Myanmar and how snake venoms could contain new antimicrobials. More information on the presenters can be found on our twitter page (@ToxinTalks). Registration for the session is totally free and will be open until the evening of October 29th. 

We'll be hold two sessions (9:00-10:00 am and 15:00-16:15 pm) with a line-up of excellent speakers across both! We will also be making a recording available after the event to anyone unable to make it.

Session 1 registration: 

Session 2 registration: