Neonatal Nutrition Network

The Neonatal Nutrition Network (NNN) aims to build capacity in neonatal units in sub-Saharan Africa, some with limited previous research experience, and also engage researchers who are new to working in poorer countries.
The NNN has initially established in four neonatal units in Nigeria and two in Kenya. WHO have emphasised the importance of early life factors in the development of several important chronic respiratory diseases. The Network will form a basis for the follow-up of low birthweight (LBW) infant cohorts to evaluate long-term effects of early nutrition and modulation of the developing gut microbiome.
As well as providing a basis for research, we also aim to share expertise and experience to improve clinical outcomes across the Network
Back row L to R: Drs Dominic Umoru (Abuja), Zainab Imam (Massey Street, Lagos), Alison Talbert (Kilifi, Kenya), Beatrice Ezenwa (LUTH, Lagos), Ismaela Abubakar (LSTM) front row L to R: Ireta Fajolu (LUTH, Lagos), Chinyere Ezeaka (LUTH,Lagos and NISONM President), Kemi Tongo (Ibadan), Abimbola Akindolire (Ibadan), Isa Abdoukadir (Zaria) and Steve Allen (LSTM).
- Neonatal Nutrition Network Case Report Form
- Neonatal Nutrition Network Weekly Growth Monitoring
- Record sheet of criteria used by clinicians to diagnose Birth Asphyxia
- Diagnostic criteria for common neonatal conditions for use in low-resource settings: Abdominal conditions
- Diagnostic criteria for common neonatal conditions for use in low-resource settings: Respiratory disorders
- Diagnostic criteria for common neonatal conditions for use in low-resource settings: Neonatal sepsis

NeoNuNet publications
Staunton AP, Nabwera HM, Allen SJ, Tongo OO, Akindolire AE, Abdulkadir I, Ezeaka CV, Ezenwa BN, Fajolu IB, Imam ZO, Umoru DD, Otieno W, Nalwa GM, Olwala M, Talbert AW, Andang'o PEA, Mwangome MK, Abubakar I, Embleton ND; Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet); Neonatal Nutrition Network Members. Prospective observational study of the challenges in diagnosing common neonatal conditions in Nigeria and Kenya. BMJ Open. 2022 Dec 6;12(12):e064575. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064575.
Nabwera HM, Ekhaguere OA, Kirpalani H, Burgoine K, Ezeaka CV, Otieno W, Allen SJ, Embleton ND; Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet). Caffeine for the care of preterm infants in sub-Saharan Africa: a missed opportunity? BMJ Glob Health. 2021 Dec;6(12):e007682. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-007682.
Ezenwa BN, Fajolu IB, Nabwera H, Wang D, Ezeaka C, Allen S. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on institutional delivery, neonatal admissions and prematurity: a reflection from Lagos, Nigeria. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2021 Apr 26;5(1):e001029. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001029.
Nabwera HM, Wang D, Tongo OO, Andang'o PEA, Abdulkadir I, Ezeaka CV, Ezenwa BN, Fajolu IB, Imam ZO, Mwangome MK, Umoru DD, Akindolire AE, Otieno W, Nalwa GM, Talbert AW, Abubakar I, Embleton ND, Allen SJ; Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet). Burden of disease and risk factors for mortality amongst hospitalized newborns in Nigeria and Kenya. PLoS One. 2021 Jan 14;16(1):e0244109.
Read S, Jibril A, Tongo O, Akindolire A, Abdulkadir I, Nabwera H, Sinha I, Allen S on behalf of the Neonatal Nutrition Network. Parents’ perceptions of core outcomes in neonatal research in two Nigerian neonatal units. BMJ Paediatr Open 2020; 4(1): e000669.
Olwala MA, Otieno W, Nalwa GM. A neonatal nutrition network for sub-Saharan Africa. Infant 2020;16(5):194-196.
Akindolire AE, Talbert AW, Sinha I, Embleton N, Allen SJ on behalf of the Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet) Evidence that informs feeding practices in very low birthweight infants in sub-Saharan Africa: An overview of systematic reviews. BMJ Paediatrics Open.

Conference presentations
Dr Helen Nabwera LSTM and honorary consultant in paediatric infectious diseases.
The Underutilization of Caffeine in sub-Saharan Africa
Hot Topics in Neonatology 7th December 2021
Dr Zainab Imam Consultant Neonatologist Lagos, Nigeria On behalf of the Neonatal Nutrition Network (NeoNuNet)
Determinants of Time to Full Enteral Feeds amongst Preterm and VLBW Infants in sub-Saharan Africa.
7th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth - N&G 2020
The Neonatal Nutrition Network Projects
Caffeine citrate for Preterm infants in Africa project (CaPIA) – Delphi process
Shared database and diagnostic criteria for common neonatal morbidities
Systematic Review on feeding practices for LBW infants in Low and middle income countries
Early life factors and long-term morbidity
Probiotics for preterm/low-birth weight infants admitted to the neonatal unit of the University College Hospital, Ibadan in Nige
COVID-19 Lockdown Measures: The Impact on the Health of the Newborns