Professor Bertie Squire appointed as LSTM’s Dean of Clinical Sciences and International Public Health

News article 30 Jul 2019

LSTM Professor Bertie Squire has been appointed as the new Dean of Clinical Sciences and International Public Health.

In a first reaction Professor Squire said: “What a privilege to have this opportunity to contribute to the work of the extraordinary and diverse global networks of people that are at the heart of LSTM’s mission!  I very much look forward to continued learning and development with my colleagues in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences and Public Health and with senior colleagues in the Senior Management Group.”

LSTM Director, Professor David Lalloo, added: “I welcome Bertie to his new role at LSTM. Bertie brings a wealth of experience to the role and he will have particular responsibility of exploring how LSTM can expand and strengthen our partnerships with institutions in lower and middles income countries.”

The post is one of the three deaneries within LSTM, the other two being Biological Sciences and Education.

Professor Squire will take up his new post as of Monday 2 September 2019.